0P model has no sling mounts. End plate allows proper installation of the buffer tube to adapter or reciever.
Stamped from hardened steel with the anti-corrosion finish.
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The wrench is designed for tightening and unscrewing the telescopic stock locknut. A bottle opener is located on the handle of the key.
The nut is designed to securely fix the telescopic stock guide tube in the receiver of the weapon or in the telescopic stock adapter against twisting and unwanted twisting.
Include the QD sling mount under the buffer tube. End plate allows proper installation of the buffer tube to adapter or reciever.
1P model has 1 left sling mount. End plate allows proper installation of the buffer tube to adapter or reciever.
2P model has 2 sling mounts on both sides for gun belts. End plate allows proper installation of the buffer tube to adapter or reciever.
Armacon wrench used for installing and replacing muzzle attachments on smooth-bore weapons, as well as for mounting telescopic butts. This tool alone can replace several different ...
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